Old telephones, upcycled into stunning feature lamps
If you’re looking for something to do with your old household objects speak to Stage Left Lux to see how we can help.
Let's face it, who still uses a landline telephone? With the rise of the mobile phone over the last few decades the household landline phone has become redundant. If you've still got a phone on your living room table, I bet it hardly ever rings and if it does it's probably just a pesky cold caller! If your old phone's not on a table 'in use' it's probably shoved in the back of a cupboard forgotten about.
So, what can you do with these old telephones? Many vintage phones are a thing of beauty and a charming reminder of days gone by. It's a real shame to throw them away, they can easily be transformed into something new and unique in the form of a quirky lamp, which will bring charm and fund to your living space!
If you've got an old phone lying about the house get in touch to let us convert it into a bespoke feature light for you.
A unique table lamp made from your old unwanted items.
Over the last few years, we have given lots of old telephones a new lease of life by transforming them into quirky feature lamps to adorn your home.
Take a look at our online shop to see our range of ready to purchase telephone lamps, or if you've got an old phone that you're considering throwing away speak to us first and let us turn it into something fun and amazing.
Let Stage Left Lux create a bespoke upcycled feature light for you
We can upcycle almost any old household object to create a bespoke table lamp, floor standing lamp, wall or ceiling light especially for you.
You are welcome to send items in the post for us to convert into a lamp for you, or you can bring them to us at our Derby-based workshop, for more information please get in touch.
Get in touch!
If you’re looking for something totally unique to light-up your home, get in touch to discuss your requirements:
Contact Scott on 07743 641 425 email: stageleftlux@outlook.com

Upcycled vintage telephone lamp

Upcycled vintage telephone lamp

Upcycled vintage telephone lamp

Upcycled vintage telephone lamp